Development of a penetration testing methodology for wireless networks to enhance smart city security in Kazakhstan
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penetration test, smart city, cybersecurity, IoT, vulnerability, data security, information security, Kazakhstan, penetration test, smart city, cybersecurity, IoT, vulnerability, data security, information security, KazakhstanAbstract
Modern cities are increasingly adopting information technologies and becoming “smart”. It is important to note that with the development of technology, the potential for cyber attacks also increases. This paper examines the significant problem of wireless network cybersecurity in smart cities of Kazakhstan. The study proposes a comprehensive penetration testing approach to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in wireless networks. This approach includes a strategy that promotes security in the smart city ecosystem and supports Kazakhstan's overall efforts to protect urban infrastructure. Particular attention is paid to the vulnerabilities of wireless networks, which are a key element of the infrastructure of smart cities. This paper proposes a comprehensive approach to penetration testing aimed at identifying vulnerabilities in the wireless networks of smart cities. This approach includes various stages, starting with collecting information about the target system and ending with a detailed report on the identified vulnerabilities. The research results can contribute to enhancing cybersecurity in smart cities in Kazakhstan and the development of effective strategies for protection against cyberattacks.
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