Payment for publication

Publication costs:

  • For ENU employees:
    • Electronic version: 10,000 tenge
    • Electronic and paper versions: 12,000 tenge
  • For external organizations:
    • Electronic version: 12,000 tenge
    • Electronic and paper versions: 14,000 tenge

Payment details:

NJSC " L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University"
BIN 010140003594

1) JSC "Bank CenterCredit"

  • IIC: KZ978562203105747338
  • Beneficiary Code: 16
  • PPC 859

2) JSC "Bank RBK"

  • IIC: KZ498210439858161073
  • Beneficiary Code: 16
  • PPC 859

Payment through the application:

  1. Go to the section > Payments > Education > Additional education > Select organization (Bulletin of ENU)
  2. Enter the following information:
    • Full name of the student (author)
    • IIN of the student (payer)
    • Select the journal series from the list (e.g., Mathematics. Computer Sciences. Mechanics)
    • Amount (10,000, 12,000, or 14,000 tenge)

After payment, please send a scanned version of the receipt to the specified contact. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us using the contact information on the website.