On solving the inverse graph problem for the heat transfer equation with memory

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  • K.B. Nurtazina L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • V.V. Provotorov Voronezh State University
  • G.E. Murzabekova S. Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical University


equation of heat transfer with memory, recovery of a heat source on network carriers, method of boundary control


A new formulation of the inverse problem for the heat transfer equation is presented, taking into account the
effect of heat transfer with memory. The conditions for correct solvability of the direct problem and sufficient conditions
for recovering the function of influence on the heat process (the function of the heat source) on the example of a degenerate
graph are obtained. The ways of transferring the obtained results to an arbitrary carrier-an arbitrary graph-are specified.



How to Cite

К.Б. Нуртазина, В.В. Провоторов, & Г.Е. Мурзабекова. (2020). On solving the inverse graph problem for the heat transfer equation with memory. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Mathematics, Computer Science, Mechanics Series, 131(2), 35–41. Retrieved from https://bulmathmc.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/72


