The effect of collective protection in the predator-prey system

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  • J.J. Yermekbayeva L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • R.E. Shakirova L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Zh.M. Malekov L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


модель Лотки-Вольтер, мальтузианский парамет, популяци, саморегуляци, дифференциальное уравнени, система хищник-жертва


The article discusses the transformation of the Lotka-Volter model of the predator-prey system, in which
the effect of "collective protection" is implemented. It is assumed that when a certain number of victims is reached, the
clarity of predation decreases and the number of predators increases. The dynamic modes of the model are investigated for
different values of the parameters and, namely, it is shown that within the model there are different transformations of th mode of certain flashes and the mode of the reverse flash. The dynamics of species interaction based on the Lotka-Volter
principle is described. An analysis of a series of transformations of the Lotka-Volter model for the case when the collective
protection effect is realized in the population of victims, it can be seen that the effect of this effect helps to reduce the
number of predators and increase the number of victims. Moreover, with known parameter ratios, dynamic modes may
arise in the model. The current work is devoted to the construction and analysis of the predator-prey model, which is also
a transformation of the Lotka-Volter model, which takes into account the effect of collective defense that appears in the
population of victims when a certain number is reached.



How to Cite

Ж.Ж. Ермекбаева, Р.Е.Шакирова, & Ж.М.Малекова. (2019). The effect of collective protection in the predator-prey system. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Mathematics, Computer Science, Mechanics Series, 126(1), 72–76. Retrieved from


