О.А. Jurakhonov The exact values of the upper bounds for approximation in the mean of some classes of Ьivariate functions bу triangular Fourier-Hermite sums
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Fourier-Hermite sums, Hermite operator, Jackson-Stechkin type inequalitiesAbstract
We evaluate the suprema of approximation of Ьivariate functions Ьу triangular partial sums of the douЫe Fourier-Hermite series on the class of functions L2(D) in the space L2,p(JR2 ), where D is the
second-order Hermite operator. Sharp Jackson-Stechkin type inequalities on the sets L2,p(JR2) are obtained, in which the best approximation is estimated from above both in terms of moduli of continuity of order m . N -widths of some classes of functions in L2,p(JR2 ) are evaluated.

How to Cite
Jurakhonov О. . (2018). О.А. Jurakhonov The exact values of the upper bounds for approximation in the mean of some classes of Ьivariate functions bу triangular Fourier-Hermite sums . Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Mathematics, Computer Science, Mechanics Series, 122(1), 70–75. Retrieved from https://bulmathmc.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/19